NIKI – Did You Like Her In The Morning

NIKI – Did You Like Her In The Morning Şarkı Sözleri

Did you like her in the morning?
Right before all the sleep left your eyes
Did you bother to draw the curtains?
And if you did, did the light burn too bright?

Did you laugh over cold cups of coffee?
That you hate but still drank anyway
Did you get past the walls, did you see through them all?
And if you didn’t, do you still hope to someday?

I know it’d be easier if I just didn’t ask
I know, I know, I know
But it’d also be easier if she wasn’t your last

Did you like her touch at nighttime?
Did all the pretending help you forget?
Was she weightless in just your sweater?
And does it feel heavy now to look at me instead?

Did your hands find her waist when she got sloppy?
After just a few Manhattans in Berlin
Would you kiss her goodnight, would you walk her inside?
Did you hope the nights would never ever end?
And again

I know it’d be easier if I just didn’t ask
I know, I know, I know
But it’d also be easier if she wasn’t your last

‘Cause I don’t know if I can compete
With the former crowned head of your old Ford’s front seat
And the story goes
You blame it on the lonely nights for it
Ever starting
But answer the question
Did you like her in the morning?

Did you like her in the morning?
Right before all the sleep left your eyes

NIKI – Did You Like Her In The Morning Şarkı Sözleri Türkçe Çeviri

Sabah ondan hoşlandın mı?

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Ve yine

Sormasam daha kolay olacağını biliyorum.

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Sabah ondan hoşlandın mı?

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